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Zoë Adnitt




💥The No Fluff Coach!💥 🇬🇧 💪🏻 Supporting Executive Women & Business owners to become successful & self-aware leaders. 👊🏻My mission is to help more female leaders make brave changes in their career, business, life and world. With knowledge, emotional intelligence & a bit of va va voom! 💥 Avoid burn out & find your mojo!🔥 💡It’s time to give yourself time, to understand yourself. How you think, behave & react? 💡Gain a deeper understanding of those around you, develop as a leader, business woman, mother, partner & friend. About me... 🤩Awakener 👸🏼Queen of Change & Transition 💪🏻Motivator 🤩Coach, Mentor & Connector 👩🏼‍🌾Personality Explorer 💥Entrepreneur 🐳Straight talking, no whale music here! 👷🏼‍♀️20 years in Corporate Construction 💄Lippie & High Vis...that was me 👩🏼‍🌾Random entrepreneurial adventures 💃🏼My Rule - Fun obligatory ❓Want to take you business or career to the next level? ❓Searching for happiness & the perfect balance. ❓Lacking confidence, got brain overload, thinking what next? ❓Want to get out of the rat race,but need help working out how? ❓Rethinking your career or next promotion? 🧠Coaching backed by science-Myers Briggs Profiling is foundational in my coaching & mentoring. 🔥Raising your self-awareness increases this stuff👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 ✅Performance ✅Develops your emotional intelligence ✅Helps you get clear and focussed to make big decisions & change! ✔️1-2-1 Coaching & Mentoring ✔️Group Coaching ✔️Individuals ✔️Businesses 👊🏻I’m here to connect & help more professionals! ✳️Up for co-hosting rooms, guest moderating & collaborating! 🎙Guesting on podcasts. 👷🏼‍♀️Women in construction I want to connect with you ! 👀Looking for strategic connections with HR Consultants/Partners, Recruiters, CV Writers, Family Law specialists. 👏🏻Did I mention my passion for connecting people! 👠I am also Regional Director of The Athena Network Warwickshire. 🦹🏼‍♀️The leading networking, training & development club for female entrepreneurs & businesses women. 🔥Let’s connect! 👉🏻DM me for a free download to start your self-development exploration & loads of free & useful stuff! 👉🏻[email protected] 👉🏻 Find me 👇🏻 👉🏻LinkedIn 👉🏻Instagram 👉🏻Facebook ILM Certified Coach | Myers Briggs Practitioner | Professional NLP Coaching