Syeda Meem
Reviver of Meena Kumari poetry Hope I Art I Cinema I Photography I Intercultural dialogue Storyteller I Poet I Cinephile I Ornithophile I Selenophile I Fulbright Learning Tamil and Turkish These leaves, our bodily personalities, seem identical, but the globe of soul fruit we make, each is elaborately unique. -Rumi --- Those who talk to you at people's back will talk to people at your back. Never forget that a judgement based on one side of the story is merely an opinion. --- Thank every individual that opposes you on your face. It takes spine to speak the truth and not everyone has it. - - - Your truth and your story are yours alone. - - - A gentleman is what a gentleman does when he is denied what he aspires to receive from someone. --- Never distrust one person because another person has broken your trust. People are never absolutely good or bad. --- Nothing changes us like the pain caused by people we trust and love. --- Distances are opportunities to heal yourself and to mend what is broken. Relationships are as meaningless without distances as sentences are without pauses. --- Always be kind and be kind to yourself too. Forgive yourself for forgiving people everytime they did not seek an apology or when the apology was a mere exchange of words. --- Those who are unhappy with your happiness can never be your friends. Your intentions, actions or explanations won't matter. Save your breath! ---