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Zuleika ‘Z’ Deciga




🎙Bilingual Voice Over Actress Spanish and English🎙 ▶️ VO Production Curator I was born to touch people’s hearts with my voice 🗣✨ and create magic✨🌟✨ 🎙 I’m a voiceover actress in Spanish 🇲🇽 and Accented English🇺🇸 🚀 I produce advertising for the Spanish Market in the US. I lead a team of awesome latino translators, copyrighters, voice overs, editors and photographers to produce and creat advertising for the Spanish Market in the US. What do I bring new to the table? Advertising made by Latinos for Latinos I also do castings to find the best VO artist for your project 😀 🎛 🔈🎙 I have my home broadcast quality studio. Approved by WOVO with Source Connect. Turn around times? FAST!💯 ✳️Commercial, narration, corporate E-learning, explainer videos, IVR, telephony… while I make silly faces😜🤪 🆘 Contact me for your next project ⏬ 📬 [email protected] Curious about my work?🧐🧐 ♻️ 📲 I’m a Mexico City girl a ‘Chilanga’ 🚺 I live in Seattle ☔️ I want to empower the latino community 💪🏽💪🏽 especially women 💃🏻💃🏻 I have 2 bilingual daughters who also do voice overs 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏼 I put extra care in connecting with people. Meaningful relationships are🥇🏆 🏋🏽‍♀️Weight lifter in progress 🎾Tennis player wanna be 🏋🏽‍♀️Cross Trainer on stand by ♻️ Lover of HITT 🏓 FUUUNNNN!!! 
I have a strict diet 🤐 BUT I have one cheat meal a week‼️ I eat one of my faves: Cheetos, Burritos, Margaritas, Gin & Tonics, Mimosas, Nachos, Burgers or Pizza 🤤🤤 I’m a latina trailblazer in high heels 👠 wearing make up 💄 and long fake nails 💅🏼🤩 I’m a ✨spicy✨ child of God 💃🏻😇