Make America Wavy Again Troll Life Gu-Tang Clan Big Chune June Old School Gemini ♊️ Junathan Howard Bryant, III Juneteenth Kwanzaa Freeman Homeless Romantic ₽0₽€ £ran¢i$ Troll Jesus 🙏🏿🤲🏿🙏🏿 FKA TrollGodJune EST June Taliban Kweli Loofah Bandos 5’5” w/brown eyes. Smile like the sunrise. My name Kovid Black but when you see me Im white. I make 22k a year and require for you to pay your own way. The least wanted baby father. Sippin’ Tea & Pushin’ 🅿️ Do it look like I’m left off Bad & Boujee? Bigger Than Nino Brown Island Boy Former Youngest Person on Earth Seen all islands, Caymans to Rikers. Deleted at 100k followers Don't follow me, follow God. Rap Lives Matter