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AJ Andersen




●Believer 🙏 ●Father of 6✌💪 ●Awakening👀💊 ●#selling2serve ●12yr professional 🚘Advisor ⚫Paradigm Awakening Masterminds Host🧠🤯 ●Philanthropist We are only one misunderstanding away from fully understanding each other! I believe when you find out how to love yourself, you can truly love others thru the spirit of God! Once I take care of my own mental health, I can pass on the love and shower others with this power, which can shift their paradigm/world, and it will cause a domino effect to shift the world!🌎 I believe we all want the same thing for our families! #SaveOurChildren I belive having a "Paradigm Awakening" will encourage others and unlock their minds to their GREATNESS, through EMPATHY & unconditional LOVE!💙✌💯 When the power of love over comes the love of power, that's when we will have world peace - Jimmy Hendrix Vibrating on a higher frequency! #riseandgrind helped me find Clubhouse Thanks Glenn Lundy (The Breakfast With Champions creator!) I'm simply on ♣️🏡 to organize believers & Free Thinkers together via Paradigm Awakening Masterminds EVERY THURSDAY VIA ZOOM 7:30-9pm(cst) to eradicate the New World Order and to challenge the status quo!! Email: [email protected] for all details!
