Shanté Edgehill
Cashapp: $ShanteEdgehill I am a native New Yorker 🌆from the Boogie down Bronx, and I currently reside in Essex County, NJ. Seasoned with humor, a compassionate heart, and great insight. I am your Empowerment Strategist. 🎼I will help you stretch and grow through the “process of change.” I am your spiritual midwife, 🏅who specializes in empowering and equipping people to walk in authenticity-no longer living in silence or pretense but instead learning to truly see themselves in the mirror. What qualifies me? Is it the 32 years of being married to the same man, the father of my two grown adult children or is it the retired NYC educator with 25 years’ experience, working with children diagnosed with autism, and an array of other special needs. Or is it the first-time author who had to go through it to Speak to it). Let’s just say-- if I survived all that I’ve been through— “I must be doing something right.” I am a certified Health Coach. I earned a Master’s degree in Education; Bachelors of Christian Education, I have 17 years of Servant Leadership-a Prophetess in ministry and in the marketplace---I’ve provided leadership counseling to many people from all different walks of life.” And like you I am still a living work in progress.