Yomi Thomas
Project Management Consultant | Scrum Lead | Security Technology | Speaker | 🇬🇧 Ultimate Goal - Simple Well done, my Good and Faithful........ Pastor❌ Bishop❌ Evangelist❌ Preacher❌ Teacher ❌ Missionary❌ Apostle❌ Singer ❌ Worship Leader❌ SERVANT ✔ My Governing Principles 🚨 Having everything without God is like claiming you have the wind. 🚨 Relationship requires work.......no building site is quiet. 1 Cor 7:28 🚨 Guard ur heart and mind, establish "immigration type" control. Don't grant entry to anything that will not give u peace 🚨 When you worry about tomorrow, you pull tomorrow's cloud over today's sunshine Proudly Edo boy Manchester United Fan ⚽️⚽️ CashApp: £YomzyT