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Yazzy Ares




▪️Bilingual Linguist 🇲🇽🇺🇸 ▪️ELT specialist 👩🏻‍🏫 👩🏻‍💻 I guide professionals into becoming fluent and competent English speakers through their own fields of expertise. 📊 I also assist researchers in handling linguistic data for qualitative and quantitative analysis. ▫️🎓M.A in English Language & Linguistics 🇩🇪 ▫️🎓M.A in Educational Technology 🇲🇽 ▫️🎓TEFL & ICELT Certified 🇺🇸 Interested in ▫️🖥 Computational Linguistics (NLP for AI) ▫️🧠 Psycholinguistics, Sociophonetics and Cognitive Linguistics ▫️📱Technology in ELT ▫️Languages as connecting nodes to make the 🌎 a better place.