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Marc Gallagher




🐴 Horseman 🐴 A practical approach with therapeutic outcome🐴 horse therapy 🐴 Horsemanship clinics 🐴 helping people with problem horses 🐴 work on enabling people and not focusing on their disabilities 🐴 mental health activities Northern Territory, Australia 🇦🇺 🤠Small business owner and entrepreneur 🤠Have a passion of helping people better themselves through the joy of horses 🤠 Grew up on and worked on cattle stations across northern Australia ✳️Solutions through horses Yarraman Territory was founded in the NT by Head Trainer Marc Gallagher, an experienced & knowledgeable horseman. Marc has extensive experience in rural & remote areas across Australia training horses & humans in natural horsemanship, remote Indigenous youth development & formal training of Certificate and Diploma level Agricultural skills Yarraman means horse in local indigenous languages in parts of Australia 🇦🇺