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[Natsarim-Talmid] 2 Cor 13:5 Obey YAH according to the teachings of Yah’usha Ha'Mashiach. Following in THE WAY of Yah’usha Ha'Mashiach diligently seeking to know יהוה‎ in the wisdom and knowledge of the truth, written in the scriptures for our learning; I strive to be a an individual known for having the spirit and the fruit thereof abiding, so that all are able to hear and understand my words so that I may encourage other brothers and sisters of THE WAY to receive and accept the truth found in scriptures, to be a nourishment to their soul as we grow together spiritually in an everlasting covenant relationship with our Creator יהוה‎ being filled with awe and reverence, true love, passionate zeal and a contrite heart toward יהוה‎ to the saving of souls; through diligent study of the Torah and Besorah of our Al'ahiym יהוה‎; through the guidance of his Ruach HaQuodesh (HolySpirit) we're led to be one unified body having the MIND of Mashiac in LOVE, REVERENCE, & BELIEF working in us all according to the same Ruach. 1 Al'ahiym-(God) יהוה‎ & 1 Belief-(Faith) 1 Ruach-(HolySpirit) 1 Truth-(The Word Of Yah) 1 Blood-(Humanity) & 1 Sacrifice-(The Son Of Yah) - Yah’usha Mashiac laid down his life once for all; for reconciliation and the remission of sin for those who believe and obey the commandments of The Eternal Son of Yah; (Yah’usha) in whom was יהוה‎ pleased to dwell in fully, with power and many wonders while reconciling the world to himself, according to the new covenant, established under a new & eternal priesthood and everlasting order of melchizedek. Now there's only 1 Mediator between mankind & The Father and he's seated in the position of power on the throne of grace to plead on our behalf if indeed we may stumble; as the son who was sent down from Yahuah our Al'ahiym; The Ha’Mashiach who is the image of the invisible יהוה‎ the expressed personification made flesh. YAH’USHA-Yah Is Salvation IMMANU'EL- Al'ahiym With Us MASHIAC-The Anointed One WHAT DO I BELIEVE? 📜:SCRIPTURES ONLY, 👉🏾Psalms 119:105 👉🏾Hebrews 4:12 👉🏾John 1:1 👉🏾Matthew 4:4 👉🏾2 Timothy 3:16-17 📖:HIGHER ENLIGHTENMENT, 👉🏾Proverbs 4:7 👉🏾Hebrews 6:1-6 🙏🏾:NO-DENOMINATIONS, 👉🏾Matthew 12:25 👉🏾Luke 11:17 👉🏾Mark 3:25 🌏:GLOBAL FAITH IN THE 1 TRUE GOD, יהוה‎ Because it is how YAH wants it now, and will have it be in the age to come, according to the scriptures. 👉🏾Philippians 2:2 👉🏾1 Corinthians 1:10 👉🏾John 17:21 👉🏾Romans 15:6