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Andrew Koay




🇲🇾💬中 (+粵、閩、客家)、EN、に、DK 📍Penang, 🇲🇾 (GMT +8) 🔠 🀄️ Solitude is a weird concept. By definition, it looks negative, particular in Chinese (孤&單), however its root word, “sol” suggests 🌞 and bright. With that being said, one needs to be comfortable being with him/herself alone before s/he can be nice person for another. For s/he has to embrace his/her vulnerability and that awareness is the basis of empathy - knowing that the other person is as vulnerable as s/he is. When empathy works, then connection happens. 💞 My favorable public figures: 蔣勳 梁文道 Hans Zimmer @rctec Christopher Nolan Rebecca Ferguson Mads Dittman Mikkelsen Marquees Brownlee @mkbhd Ray Dalio @raydalio Malcom Galdwell @mtgladwell Dan Ariely @danariely Kai Fu Lee @kaifulee Raymond Goh @raymondgoh2020 馮以量 @fengyiliang Daniel Kahneman Richard Thaler Philip Zimbardo @philzimbardo Joseph LeDoux Pastor Samuel Ling 林慈信牧師 Alfred Adler Prof Dr. Mohd. Tajuddin Bin Mohd. Rasdi