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Alicia St Rose




💛 I have a passion for inspiring and empowering others to live spontaneous and creative lives. 💛 Nothing outside you can keep you from your dreams. When you believe others need to change for you to get what you want, you give your personal power away. ✨Let’s share what Wows us in my club on Clubhouse: Wow with Alicia ✨ What I want to do on Clubhouse? 1. Inspire you ✨ 2. Empower you 💪 3. Share knowledge with you 🤓 4. Laugh with you 🥸 I’m excited about WordPress, Burning Man🔥, Virtual Reality, Crypto💸, Abraham Hicks ✨. Elaboration on these topics let’s start a room!👇 ‼️WordPress Passionista! 💯I believe that your web presence should be as unique and authentic as you are. ✨You can’t succeed online unless you’re aligned! I created WP with Heart to help people get online by following their hearts. WP with Heart is One on One coaching for DIY WordPressers. Life Coaching meets Geek. 💛🤓 🧡 💻 A professional WordPress consultant for over a decade, building custom solutions for clients. 🎤 Can often be found speaking about WordPress at various WordCamps, including WordCamp Los Angeles, WordCamp Orange County and WordCamp San Diego. 🔥 From Santa Barbara, but calls Black Rock City home. 🔥 Burning consecutively since 2003. 🔥 Tech and Systems for BRCvr, an award winning Virtual Reality Burning Man experience in 2020 & 2021. 🔥 ATTENTION: I am not a financial advisor. Any investment info I divulge is NOT professional financial advice. Please DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Or hire a professional.