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Benson Wong




Hong Kong Born 🇨🇦 Toronto base Canadian 香港出生,加拿大多倫多居民 Community Engagement & Marketing, Vocal Coach I am about singing the days of our lives on Clubhouse. 希望透過音樂,歌唱及閒談,一齊分享人生,Clubhouse 上過吓日晨。 Please join my music club 請加入: 『BENSON - 唱遊社 SINGCIETY』 「山川異域,風月同天」 「蛋殼被逼爛 才能出世打開眼 世上無敵 必需不怕爛」 爛 Later during Smith's acceptance speech, he said that Washington told him: "At your highest moment, be careful, that's when the devil comes for you." “Your crown is waiting as soon as you find the courage to wear it” Bel-Air “The best is the enemy of the good.” Voltaire “It’s only a papermoon Sailing over a cardboard sea But it wouldn’t be make-believe If you believe in me” It’s Only A Paper Moon Good luck and health in 2022! 感謝您的咖啡 👋 Thanks for your coffee