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Victoria W.




Arts/science(STEAM) educator through visual arts,theater,dance. Latina/indigenous/biracial. Bringing art/science programs to Title 1 schools, youth shelters, incarcerated youth because art is a universal language. Speaking yearly at national and local education related conferences. WOMEN•LIFE•FREEDOM #mahsaAmini #freeIran #bringthemhomenow Cohost to Science Society-WAF Please join us to share in the love of science and making information accessible. Join us each Wednesday at 6:00pmPST for Science News. Listen, suggest topics, we’ll be happy to share the time with you. 🧬✨🔭🦕 💪🏽Teacher training 🔬Art+science integration 🎭Dual language Youth theater 🎙Public speaker ✌🏽Restorative justice 💃🏽Dance in all spaces ⚖️Abolish the prison industrial complex #DCStatehood #WomenLifeFreedom 💚🤍❤️ If you read this, please use your social media to help be the voice of the Iranian people. 🇲🇽🇪🇸🇵🇹 🚨Daily action in the US. Call 202-499-6085 to hold your congressional legislators accountable for bringing the justice you elected them for. Then call them again. A constant friend to After We Vote ⚖️ It might seem like chaos, until we sense the rhythm of the pattern.