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Angela Gardner




πŸ‘·πŸ» Co-founder - Women Talk Construction (Podcast, YouTube, Forum) On a mission to share women's stories that are in construction and non-traditional roles. Share men's stories of supporting women. We are in it to create an inclusive environment ❣️🚧 πŸ‘·πŸ» Director of business development and marketing at Hill Electric. We specialize in machinery installations and facility power in the Upstate of South Carolina. My passions: 🎯 Building Brands 🎯 Celebrating Women in Non-traditional roles 🎯 Mentoring 🎯 Family Biz 🎯 Entrepreneurship 🎯 Skilled Trades & Construction 🎯 Build up people 🀍 πŸ‘·πŸ» Co-founder - Women Construction Forum in Upstate of SC. Our members support each other and go into schools (career centers and technical colleges) to do lunch and learns and share their construction wisdom. ✨ Created videos of women in construction ✨ Mentoring Fun: 😊 Proud mom with two kids and 🐢🐱 😊 Live in SC and have lived in NYC 😊 Love to travel, yoga, gardening, cooking & baking, jazz music, hiking, & chocolate.