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Winston Ma 马文彦




🕎 VC Fund GP Founder| ex-SWF executive| Board Chairman - Swiss Blockchain Startups (ThreeFold Tech, Open Mineral)| SPAC sponsor| NYU Adjunct Professor| 🎄 Serial Author on China-US markets, SWF funds & Tech Unicorns ☯ English 中文 🎏Sovereign CBDC & Bitcoin # 区块链-去中心化、抗量子云技术Digital RMB 🎁 Semiconductor major & Nationally certified Software Programmer 1994. Into China & NY securities lawyer (Davis Polk) before Wall Street investment banking (JPMorgan, Barcap NY). 🎄 ex-MD & Head of Americas, CIC 中投北美首代 🔯 Founder VC Fund (CloudTree Ventures) Interactive Entertainment Tech 💚 eSports -XR-Cloud-Gaming Tokens-Big Data-AI- Mobile 🎉 I organize "Digital China" sessions with global investors and business leaders at CH, on China's digital revolution, US-China tech competition, and geopolitical implications. 🕎 Author: Investing in China, The Hunt for Unicorns, China’s Mobile Economy, and 🥁 The Digital War - How China’s Tech Power Shapes the Future of AI, Blockchain, and Cyberspace 🌲 LinkedIn: daily content 🎀 马文彦 纽约大学NYU 兼任教授 前华尔街投资银行家(摩根大通 巴克莱纽约)前中国、纽约资本市场律师 (美国达维DPW事务所)☯ 专著作者:狩猎科技独角兽 移动互联网经济 《数字战争 -中国科技塑造未来AI、区块链和网络空间》 🎉 WEF 达沃斯 Young Global Leader 世界青年领袖; 🎏 NYU Law School Adjunct Professor on SWF Funds and Investment Regulations