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Winnie Obia




✅ Learn how to Earn and work from Home. Free Webinar - 🖤 Happy to Inspire, network and support. ❤️ Passionate about empowering women to gain confidence, self-worth; and Love. 👘Founder and Creative Director at Olianto London. A fashion luxury handbag brand. CEO at Nkatas Handmade. Mentor - Helping Mums and Dads start their own online digital business from the comfort of their homes. ➡️ No Experience needed ➡️ Joined a global community an automated system. ➡️ Step by Step guide with a mentor and coach ➡️ FREE WEBINAR More My Story is my Super power. ❤️ Love Yourself, you are not alone 👭Passion to empower Women (Self-Worth) working with women and families across African you wants to be heard by using their skills to make a sustainable living. 🏹 Entrepreneurs ✝️ I am an ambassador in Christ and Student of the Word 🛐 Intercessor 🌍 Visionary -LivingWordCCR Ministries 🌱Network and building a tribe. ☕️Support faith based Women speak out and be confident. 🌱Join our tribe at 👉🏽 Let’s connect @oliantolondon on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. 🌱Love Handmade and Afrocentric products, let’s connect @nkataslondon 👉🏽 (Every Basket Has A Story) Join me on clubhouse @Empower for Growth and Business Of Handmade (BOH) IT Consultant, Software designer and Developer with 20 + years working for Fortune 500 companies. In the US , U.K, EMEA and AP.
