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Robin Williams




IG: Officialrobin.Williams FB: Robin Williams Mayoral Candidate Houston, TX (2023) Join me at the “Let Sunny Side Speak Rally” 08/28/21. This event will be dynamic 🔥🔥🔥 🇺🇸Marine Corps Veteran 🌍Humanitarian 👮🏽‍♀️Police Officer-Current The Change of Direction Plan was devised to detail my vision for Houston, Texas and to provide a better quality of life for the citizens. The Change of Direction plan is not just another political skit or stunt. It is an actual plan that to provide citizens with the best version of our city and provide growth. My goal is to highlight a few of the most pressing issues that need immediate attention in Houston, TX. The first subject, Mental health, details a plan to address the crisis. Citizens that are suffering from mental illnesses are not getting the attention they need. Instead, citizens are being cycled in and out of jail and not being accepted by some health facilities. The second subject, Bridging The Gap Between Police Officers And Citizens. It is no secret that Officers and citizens no longer trust each other. We must take policing back to the basics and allow citizens to express themselves without consequences. Citizens and Officers are literally exhausted from both a physical and verbal fight for justice. The community cannot flourish if we do not have trust and the relationship on both ends will not be repaired. Good Officers exist, like Officer Williams and really have a passion for what they do. The third subject, Flooding In Historical Minority Communities. Historical neighborhoods such as 3rd and 5th Ward continue to flood during Hurricane season. The flooding in those neighborhoods are permanently destroying historical homes and leaving citizens bearing the burden of their community flooding.