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Wieland Arlt




I teach you how to trade / IFTA President, Trader, Executive and Trader Coach, Bestselling Author, International Speaker / Expert in Trading, Leadership, Management and Lifestyle / Perpetual Traveller Check out my books on Amazon / Listen to my Podcast: Torero Trader Insights / Visit my website: / Schedule a meeting: DISCLAIMER AND RISK DISCLOSURE Trading of securities or derivatives is associated with high risk of loss that may go well beyond the amount of the original investment. This is particularly true for trading with leveraged products and on margin. Past results are no indication of future performance. In no event should the content of this correspondence be construed as an explicit or implied promise or guarantee. The from Torero Traders School by Torero Lifestyle LLC offered training courses such as analysis, strategies, market comments, views and transactions are no advice or investment services and do not constitute an offer or invitation to buy, hold or sell securities or derivatives. They are merely teaching material and are used for teaching purposes. If the market moves against you, you may sustain a total loss greater than the amount you deposited into your account. You are responsible for risks and financial resources you use and for the chosen trading system. You should not engage in trading unless you fully understand the nature of the transactions you are entering into and the extent of your exposure to loss. If you do not fully understand these risks you must seek independent advice from your financial advisor. Therefore, Torero Traders School by Torero Lifestyle LLC accepts no liability for presented opinions, analyzes, strategies or other information. Website visitors and participants of the training courses of Torero Traders School by Torero Lifestyle LLC, who make investment decisions and / or conduct transactions upon the published content, act in full own risk.