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Adam V.




🇵🇸 CEASEFIRE NOW!!! Freedom happens between people -We all deserve self determination and time to think 🏴 —It’s not about who has the best to offer but rather how we can make it possible for each of us to offer the best of what it is we have— Ya Basta Women’s liberation is liberation of life Black lives matter Palestinian lives matter Kurdish lives matter LGBTQI+ lives matter “The future of the earth may depend upon the ability of all women to identify and develop new definitions of power and new patterns of relating across difference.” -Audre Lorde “I often say, one thing that is Not a scarce resource of the world is- imaginative people with possible solutions to intractable problems. There’s probably no one in the entire world that doesn’t have some idea that we have never thought of…and we’re both pretty smart guys.” -David Graeber, talking with Peter Theil, referring to the importance of equal access to the time and tools to be innovative and be heard “Nor have history-making individuals been limited to those whom historians have represented as heroes.” Petr Kropotkin, Mutual Aid as a Factor of Evolution I am a - Father, thinker, reader, skateboarder, planter, composter, soil builder, KNFer(Korean Natural Farming), one of the People of the Plant, a pursuer of freedom Interested in General/Neighborhood Assemblies and group decision making as a means that will lead to the desired Ends 🏴 Acidic cannabinoid enthusiast✊ As a white cis American man I think my primary role is listening. For the most part attendance does = endorsement…but sometimes not. And if you see me on stage with problematic people it usually means I’m in the mood to do emotional labor against patriarchy