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Flood The God King




Hi! I'm Flood the Indigo Aquarian from the Rainy City, Pro Transhumanist, Bodhisattva and the Biggest God Damn Nerd You Will Have Ever Met!! I love Science!…. maybe almost too much…. I love thinking about the future and how technology will shape our future, for the good and bad. And I dabble a little bit with Transhumanism... Aka, I want to be a Cylon (if you don't know what that is, you need to step up your nerd game). So far I have installed several RFID chips in my left hand from Dangerous Things. Currently the xNt, FlexNt, and xLED and looking forward to a Vivokey in the near future for a payment method or bitcoin storage. And yes, I did this on my own accord. For if you understand how it works it can’t be used against you without your permission. And that’s with everything in life. In school I studied Nanotechnology and interned in a UW lab working on a Nanophotonic project for developing waveguides for possible photonic processors. This was about 15 years ago at the height of my nerdiness. Now I’m just your mild mannered everyday nerd. I also run a small wireless network install/consultation business called Advanced Settings. It’s in the beginning now…. but sooon enough….. soon enough… Muhahaha *cough* hahahaaaaa…. fucking Covid ….. Anyways, I love to keep busy working on, speaking on, and destroying (for research purposes) anything tech. ......cause I'm a Ninja