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Kristel Tipp




𝕨𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣_𝕨𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕣 Heart-full Earth lover, grower, explorer, ordained mother. C r e a t o r of SacredSticker, the gem water charging decal for both general and custom use. Follow the flow on IG @flow_of_water_wisher 💖🖤💖 6/3 Manifesting Generator ___M a n i f e s t a t i o n___ I am filled with deep gratitude that we defend what is morally and ethically right while maintaining pure spirituality at our balanced cores. ___D o i n g s___ ▫️Lapidary for Gem Water Concocting ▫️Spiritual Activism & Way-showing ▫️Storyteller ▫️Volcano Viewer ▫️Floater & Fish Gazer ▫️Retired DONA Doula (Birth Coach) ▫️Reiki (currently level I, studying II) ▫️Certified in Essential Oils for Women ▫️Channel for Angels & Guardians of Gemstones ▫️Sacred Geometric Artist ▫️ Hobbyist Smiling at you from the Midwest, a Hoosier at heart, but trained on Big Island of Hawai’i where I sharpened my storytelling techniques as a rainforest & lava tube guide, daydreamt among petroglyphs, met my first Elder spirituality practitioners, and was introduced to organic permaculture. ___P a s s i o n a t e A b o u t___ authentic cultural experience thru travel (world schooling; galactic learning) + art + kids + dogs + wild schooling (forest learning) + moon tracking + living intentionally + observing and sustaining things as they grow + documentation along the way + good news + living green + giving grace + recovering from religion ___ S p i r i t u a l O f f e r i n g___ ___________J o i n M e________________ _______________A s k A b o u t_________ ▫️Rituals that can fit into Your daily life ▫️Tapping Guidance & Calming Quotes ▫️Heartfelt Honest Art Critiques ▫️Stories (on Clairsentience & more) ▫️Lapidary Reading ▫️Gemstones to Bring YOU Positivity DM available on IG, click the link in bio ‘Something to do, something to look forward to, and if you’re lucky someone to share it all with’ - Pila of Hawai’i ***Always seek professional medical advice for any ailment of concern, both physical and mental in nature***