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Eduardo Romero




Fundador del club ESCRIBIR Y COMPARTIR Sala recurrente los viernes 19:00 p.m. CDT Historia(s) del Rock (en pausa) 馃嚥馃嚱 Escritor, cin茅filo, jugador de backgammon, amante del caf茅 y la buena conversaci贸n. Mel贸mano, coleccionista y compulsivo del lenguaje y la traducci贸n. Autor de los poemarios Haijin Express y Los Discursos de Las Cartas. 鈾狅笍鈾ワ笍鈾o笍鈾︼笍 Durante a帽os jugu茅 Yahtzee, Backgammon, Poker de dados, Hearts, Spades, Scrabble, Mahjong solitario, Klondike, Carta Blanca y resolv铆 pilas de Sudoku. Dej茅 incontables horas en el Arcade, Starcraft, Diablo, Age of Empires, Quake, Half-Life y Homeworld. Y muchos miles de horas m谩s en el cine, la TV y el tocadiscos. ESCRIBIR Y COMPARTIR Club founder. Recurring room every friday 19:00 p.m. CDT Historia(s) del Rock 馃嚥馃嚱 Writer, movie buff, backgammon player, I love coffee and good conversation. Melomaniac, collector, with language and translation TOC. Author of the poetry books Haijin Express and Los Discursos de Las Cartas. 鈾狅笍鈾ワ笍鈾o笍鈾︼笍 For years I played Yahtzee, Backgammon, Craps Poker, Hearts, Spades, Scrabble, Solitaire Mahjong, Klondike, FreeCell and solved stacks of Sudoku. I spent countless hours into Arcades, Starcraft, Diablo, Age of Empires, Quake, Half-Life, and Homeworld. And thousands more hours at the movies, TV and the record player. Ballad for a lost captain We are lost the captain said we have no water and no more bread the sails are broken and so am I there are just clouds and no stars up high There is no God then, the sailor cried, no stars, no wind, and no food inside there is no future to look ahead there is just darkness and fog instead The captain looked the sailor in the eye the last to be alive in his damned ship "there is no more time left for us to buy" and threw himself out to die in the deep the sailor cut then his throat with his knife and bleeding watched some land nearby.