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Vivienne Kong




🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 INFJ - the world’s rarest personality type 🤣 🚫No Liars, Fake and Toxic People🙅🏻‍♀️ You reap what you sow. Karma is a bitch. 💡Serial Entrepreneur 🤝 Promoter for Musicians and Michelin Chefs 🍔 Chief Eating Officer. Owner/Curator of IG @GourmetArtistry World’s Finest Food Plating, followed by Gordon Ramsay 🥨 CEO & Founder of a Gastronomy Media and Marketing Agency 🍣 Premium Japanese Food Supply Distributor 🍱 Restaurant Consultant 💡 Branding and Social Media Strategist 📸 Content Creator 📍Singapore 新加坡 🇸🇬 ❤️ Club Founder 🚀《響樂 Live Music Lounge》Music Club for the Asian Music Community 🎸🎹 🚀 Gourmet Artistry 🍽 🚀 Pronunciation Lab 🗣 🐶 Dog Lover 🎼 Music Lover 🎶 Amateur Kalimba Player 🥩 Love Hosting Dinner Parties 👩🏼‍🍳 Home Cook 🍽 Dish Washer 🍵 Love Tea Ceremony 茶道 “The way of tea" 😡 No Food Waste 🌱 Building a Sustainable Future 🤝 Looking to connect with musicians, chefs, foodies, food writers, photographers, videographers, designers, food producers and CPG manufacturers You can find me on LinkedIn - Vivienne Kong Readings: Dessert reading: “Strawberry Lychee Celebration Cake” By Reynold, Koi Dessert Bar - Ivan Pokémon reading: “Alcremie” - Daniel “People who love to eat are always the best people.” - Julia Child 低调做人,高调做事,行动在前,言语在后,努力做出成绩才是最重要的。 越是谦卑,收敛锋芒,越能赢得他人的尊重。 💛 中文俱乐部 🚀《響樂 Live Music Lounge》 🚀饗樂主義 🥨 美食爱好者,美食自媒体和营销公司的创办人 🥰 喜欢美食,美术,演奏音乐,茶,星座,狗狗,摄影,创业的话题 ✨ 如果你有食品还是餐厅品牌想进军新加坡市场请发纸飞机我