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Sacred Ceremony space holder Moon circles Cacao ceremonies Yoga Nidra and Mindfulness Teacher Kum nye yoga Meditation sessions Ayurvedic body work Ayurvedic chef Saskatchewan🇨🇦 🌞Pisces - Vedic Astrology 🔥- Aries - Western Astrology 🌙Gemini IIN - Health Coach Life path # 8 Love Donation Gratitude Room - 8.30 PST 11.30 EST #WEAREALLALIENS 👽🍄🚀 Vinoth (Vino) Ramanaathan, BA, combines his background in food and nutrition management, ayurveda and yoga training and his passion for personal coaching and leading cacao ceremonies. Through his company, Wholistic Healing Hub located in Melville, Saskatchewan, Canada, he facilitates life-changing community gatherings and classes for personal transformation and Wellness services for better physical, mental and spirtual health of the clients . Vino holds a BA in Business Management from India and Food and Nutrition Management. He is a certified health coach through The Institute of Integrated Nutrition, a Hatha yoga teacher, Yoga Nidra teacher and a Ayurvedic wellness practitioner . . A recognized food chef, he uses the metaphor of nutrition to feed the growing hunger for spiritual experience.