Victor Etukudoh
Houses: 1. Bible Study, Endtime Topics & Fellowship with active participation of people in the house. 2. Mental Health Topics & Conversation with active participation. I am radical about spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ by making him known and telling the world the reason of his life as the Savior and Redeemer. This is the clarion call for you too to join the laborers in this harvest without being idle; Mathew 20:1-16. Fulfillment: Nothing is important to me in my life than to do the will of God. Hebrew 10:7. God is my goal. Ministry calling: I am a Bible Teacher at Kingdom Watchers Ministry. [email protected] Family: Husband of one wife for 18 years with three children. Ministry Mission: To make disciples of all nations by presenting Jesus the Savior and the gospel of Jesus Christ or grace. Personal Mission: To be prepared to be translated when Jesus appears. 1st John 3:1-3 and 1st Thess 4: 16-18. Evangelism: Must evangelize and publish God's word. Psalm 68:11, lsaiah 52:7, and Romans 10:15. Youth: To impact them for Christ. There is a place for them in Christ. 1st Timothy 4:11-12 and Mathew 18:3. Other Ministries: To support other brethens' work in the grace(s) they are given. 1st Corinthians 10:24. Thus, Kingdom builders with God Ministry. Or Co-labourers with God. Widows and Orpans: Pure religion is to visit the widows and orphans; James 1:27. Prayer and Intercession: Intercede for families, communities, and nations until righteousness is established. Luke 18:1 and Isaiah 62: 6-7. Apologetics: " But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. Do this with gentleness and respect. " 1st Peter 3:15. Defense of my faith: Jude verse 3," contend for the faith once delivered to the saints". Professional: DNP, PMHNP-BC Psychiatry Provider / Mental Health professional. Mental illness is similar to medical illness. Someone may be born with one, and yet it is not because of any sin: John 9:1-3 Counselling & Chaplain Services: Faith or Bible-based. Other Interest: Research and how clinical or statistical evidence is applicable in our lives. Also, l am fascinated with both the statistical and clinical significance of research because both significances are very important in the application of our personal practices and the ameloriation of our lives towards holism. I also like natural science, phytonutrients, and exercise.