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Vicki Doolan




What if we could all be that admired octogenarian or older person who defies the standard definition or expectation of ageing? ⛹️ I am a 🥤Healthy ageing coach 🧠 Ageless Grace brain health educator and trainer 👩‍🏫 Emotional wellness coach and educator Would you love to be an active, healthy, fun senior living your retirement years the way you had always pictured? As a dementia communication specialist and older persons mental health first aid trainer I’ve witnessed some of the nightmares of ageing. But as a ☑️ juice therapist, ☑️ brain health trainer and ☑️ essential oils educator my toolkit can change the face of ageing. 🧓 I’ve helped: 🧓 seniors, 🧠 people living with dementia, 👫carers and 👧 even young people who want to give themselves the BEST POSSIBLE chance of ageing well, to make changes that have transformed their physical, mental and emotional well-being. Contact me here: ✅ 🎤 Speaker for cancer support groups 🎤 Presenter at Dementia Conferences 🎤 Regular workshop facilitator 👩‍💼 Successful ‘senior’ business builder 📺 Appeared on Channel 7 news Facebook - @vickidoolanhealthyageing