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Veronica Moore




Currently 📍Lehigh Valley, PA “The Plant Therapy Advocate” Owner of Brown Skin Plant Mama, LLC 🪴🌱Plant Therapy🪴🌱 Enthusiast & Advocate - Teaching people the therapeutic benefits of plant care 🎙 Host of Plant Therapy is Real™️ on IGTV 🖊 Creator of Plant Therapy for Kids™️ a nonprofit teaching children important applicable life skills through plant care & gardening 🛒 Personal Plant Shopping & Planning For Your Space (Personal or Corporate) 📺 ✍️ 🎙 As seen on/in PBS39, WFMZ TV,, The Black Plant Chick Podcast, Lehigh Valley Business 40 Under 40 🏫 Over 13 years in Higher Education 🌃 Originally from Chicago, IL Here to connect, learn and cultivate. 🔺 🐘 1913 - SU ‘03 💰 CASH APP: $VHMOORE Venmo: @Veronica-Moore