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Vee Urbanska




🇬🇧🇵🇱✳️ Mediator, Truth-seeker, UK & EU Deal Introducer, Event Host, Hiring Ninja 🇵🇱PL niżej ✳️ Clubhouse Moderator 📢 Not Featured in Forbes 👀 I seek truth for a living 🤝 I make people feel facts 📱Marketing Agency 📈Created Simple Hiring Formula that is fun and gets Remote Superstars Easy 🎤UK Property national network host 🎯 Direct Deals and Connections in UK & EU 🤝 Property, Gold, Art, Jets Rental 🧠 Marrying The Creative & The Analytical ❤️ Kindness & Respect 🔧 Have worked behind Brands 🚧 Personal Brand in progress Here to make new relationships, create opportunities to work together 📩 DM me for connections, Direct EU Property Deals & collab Interests: Neuroscience, Meditation, Sailing, Watersports, Kitesurfing, Stimulating Conversations, Education, Growth, Great Connections, Creativity, Making things happen. Advocates Plant-based living, Sustainability & Resourcefulness 🥶 🚿 devoted practitioner of 4 years ⛵️💦 obsessed with sailing, Look up Hobie 16 💡Simple solutions creator 🚐 Camper Van life enthusiast 🙌 Addicted to overcoming fears one at a time and sharing the formulas 🤝 Created a successful network from scratch in a foreign country I didn’t know anyone in 🦸‍♀️ On a mission to break toxic cycles, stand up for injustice and empower human fellows Topics discussed in our rooms: Creating genuine connections in biz🤝 How to powerfully influence not coerce🙅‍♀️ How to stand up for yourself with grace What hidden blockages stop you from getting what you want And many more I have made all mistakes possible and I would have loved if I had someone to save me all the time, frustratom and money!! Click Follow and set 🛎 on Always to learn for free from our experienced specialists. __ 🇵🇱 Robię fajne rzeczy z super ludźmi🤩 Kliknij Follow i 🛎 „Always” by być na bieżąco z pokojami nt. komunikacji, sprzedaży, leadershipu, zatrudniania i networkingu ✳️ Clubhouse Moderator 🎤 Napisz na Insta jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy z moderacją Twojego pokoju > Przyjdź do pokojów tematycznych: 🔹Jak sprzedawać bez sprzedawania 🔹Jak dawać i odbierać feedback 🔹Jak zainteresować sobą w 90 sekund 🔹Jak wyróżnić się z tłumu 🔹Efektywna i prosta rekrutacja, HR, zatrudnienie 🔹Zrób szybki networking - 30 min Napisz do mnie na instagram 👇 ____ 📍Manchester 🇬🇧 Born in 🇵🇱 🌍 citizen Speaking languages