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Vanshi Mehta




Brand Strategy | Communications | Storytelling | Solopreneur | Linkedin Top Voice ‘21 with 100k followers | Proud solopreneur 🏡Dubai | 🎓Northeastern ‘16 (Boston, USA)| 🇮🇳 India since ‘18 On the weekdays: I’m on a mission to build brands using purposeful communications and storytelling🙆🏽‍♀️ On the weekend: Im a polar bear. I use my weekends to rest, relax and rejuvenate Soloprenuer since 2020 after working in corp for 4+ years💜. Read my published articles on branding and freelancing on this link ➡️ Always looking for the next conversation. You can reach out on Instagram or Linkedin to chat about 🌈Brand strategy 🌈Communications 🌈Storytelling 🌈Freelancing 🌈Linkedin lead gen Let’s get talking Book a slot on and tell me you found me on CH!