Vanessa Spiva
Energetic Healings, Energetic Therapy, & Energetic Coaching. ✨💛💛 I specialize in ENERGY ✨ I can help you! Check out my Site: Multi modality programs for full life healing and transformation. 🪄 I help people from EVERY angle. Physical, mental, emotional, energetic, subconscious, and spiritually. 🤯 My current energy healings are helping people with…. 1. Autoimmune conditions 2. Reversing diabetes 3. Healing post surgery infections 4. Post accident injuries and back pain 5. Colds and flus 6. Adrenal fatigue 7. Thyroid conditions 8. Gal bladder issues 9. Depression & anxiety 10. PTSD 11. Lymphodema 12. Alcoholic addictions 13. Digestive issues 15. Allergies and asthma Human Design Coaching sessions are currently helping people… 1. Improve their close relationships 2. Understanding themselves on a DEEPER level 3. Improving decision making processes 4. Discovering purpose, passion, and power 5. Reclaiming personal power 6. Expanding and receiving their abundance and career opportunities 7. Learning how to manage mental health issues 8. Learning how to use their superpowers 9. Releasing negative patterns and behaviors 10. Releasing limiting beliefs Website: ⬇️ 2 types of Freebie sessions on my website. Go to the FREE STUFF tab! Quick RECAP: 🤓 Certified Healer 🧬 Energy Healings that work directly with damaged DNA & damaged Cells 💫 Energy Therapy 🤠 Living in Austin, TX - in person healing sessions available & remote healings 🤓 Human Design Life Coaching 🧊 Cold Therapy Guide 🏠 Energetic Realtor - 7 years 🏠 House Energy Clearings 🏠 Human Design Coach for Realtors Clubhouse Reputation: 🚿🧊Founder of the Cold Shower Club ♣️🏠 Programming & Conditioning: B.A in Political Science Masters Degree in Government & Public Policy from Pepperdine University Worked in Politics & Lobbying My energetic blueprint: Human Design: 3/5 Emotional Manifesting Generator Open Head & Open Ajna Cash App: $abundantlife11 PayPal: [email protected]