Valerie Singleton
Entrepreneur passionate about creative representation. ———————————————— Co-founder of @Loupeandgrain ———————————————— Loupe + Grain is a creative staffing agency that connects companies with quality BIPOC creatives. We’re focused on helping creatives land paid freelance, part-time and full-time opportunities that are not usually available to them. - About me- (She/Her) 📍DM[V] Wife . Mama of 1 . Digital Marketer . CRO . MarTech . Wordpress . Web Looking for to make meaningful connections and share experiences. ————————————— - Interested in Topics on - - Creative Collaboration - Racial & Gender Equality - Future of Work - DE&I - Creative Economy -Let’s work together.- Interested in working with or for Loupe + Grain? Visit for creative opportunities. Reach out👇🏽