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Ursula! Ursula!




Chasing My Curiosity Striving To Serve This is me; Empowering you to BE better through👇🏾 Career | Lifestyle | Faith | Growth Content I love life! I love God! I love laughing, telling stories, listening to stories and curating memories to turn to future stories. By day, I’m a marketing strategist in a financial institution, by night I’m a blogger, youtuber and content creator If you’re in Toronto, we can catch a few adventures! Let’s be Friends 📍Toronto, Canada 🎓 B.Eng, MBA: Rotman, UofT 🛠 Worked with Google Canada, BDC, TJMazz and Ryerson Uni to train and mentor small/medium scale female entrepreneurs & professionals on business strategy & marketing 👁 Inspiring all to be better versions of themselves and to learn something new everyday 🏹 Interested in product marketing, networking, learning, community development, perfumery, good food, and dancing. 🐶 love dogs but don’t own one.....yet 👀