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💔 I can see right through you, Weeping day and night non-stop, Wondering if your pain will ever vanish, For your body and soul are tired, You can't take it anymore. I can see you there in a deep end, Your space surrounded by darkness, Feeling insecure and discouraged, For you have been dissapointed, By those you trusted and loved. Someone here is busy crying, Someone here is feeling heart broken, Someone's dreams here were shattered, Someone's hopes have been lost, Is that someone yourself? You disappointed yourself many times, Failing and failing in your studies, Your marriage ending, Losing the love of your life, But it's never the end of the world for you. Nobody ever said it was gonna be easy, We were just taught to follow our dreams, And see where they drop us, And keep on fighting for what we love, Stay in Faith,be Patient,Your time will come. ❤