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Priscilla Koukoui




🧠 Hyperactive Creative x ✨XR Leader Drive innovation & digital transformation in organisations by leading multi-functional teams. Passionate by emerging + web3 + immersive technologies (XR, VR, AR x AI/ML) 🦾How they maximise value for business and 🌱As a playground for creative experimentation ⭕️ Crossmodalist, I create multisensory immersive stories, to transform human experience. 🍃 We are Spiritual being having a Human experience. 🧞‍♀️olfaction design & scent tech 🧚🏽‍♀️connect people/ideas/concept and get things done 🧜🏽‍♀️listen, ask questions and solve pbs 🧝🏽‍♀️unconventional + lateral thinker 🌟HCD x Strategy x Agile Delivery 🔥 Futurologist 👇🏽DM👇🏽