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Yemi Timson




🍲 & 🧐 I eat and know things. 🗣Data storyteller and strategic thinker **************** 🔱Here to connect & collaborate🔱 🚪Room attendance ≠ endorsement **************** 🤖 Human 📊 Economist (energy⚡️ and 🦾tech focused) 🏦 Investor (💎🙌🏽, 🏛,🦄,🧠,💰) 📸 Freezes time 🎙 Podcaster 🎞 Geek 🧠 INTJ-A 🌍 Third culture kid (🇨🇦x🇳🇬..+✈️) ✝️ Believer 😍 Anime 📍: 🇨🇦 | YEG | YSJ **************** Linkedln👩🏽‍💼: Omoyemi Timson 📊 - Economist and data storyteller. Experience in data visualization, energy markets, public health, public finance, stakeholder & government relations and public service. 💻 - - Self taught and built website. 👥 - Non-profit board member, Finance Committee Chair and Treasurer. **************** Tunuka Media 👩🏽‍💼: CEO, Podcast host, Producer and Editor 🎧: Check out the podcasts I’m involved in “Africa in my kitchen 🍲” & “Overlooked 📰” 🎙🔗: “Tunuka Media” on Instagram & Twitter Bio **************** “Excellence is not a destination; its a continuous journey that never ends.” - Brian Tracy **************** DM open 📥