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Tsun Tzue da Facilitator




$TsunTzue “Spoken word is the very foundation upon which we build our reality around/on …a limited vocabulary is a limited reality” -me “I am the thinker that thunk the thought that made the thought real” -Jonnie Coleman “rocks are hard only because your hands are soft“ -Cambatta “call myself a wolf because I’ve been a-ware” -cambatta “The only thing that protects us from evil violent men are righteous men equally skilled in violence” 👁 beLIEve nothing, 👁 know alot, 👁 Trust little. Know YOUR spot. 煮豆燃豆萁 豆在釜中泣 本是同根生 相煎何太急• “井の中の蛙大海を知らず” (I no naka no kawazu, taikai wo shirazu) Translation: “A frog in the well knows not the ocean.” 😉 Demystify the mystical. 👁 hold these truths to be self evident: “you cannot comply your way back to freedom, the only path forward is resistance“ “Your ego does NOT want you to fix your problems because it thinks you have none.” -some smart Knigge Signs and symbols are a language unto itself… learn to read them. 👁 AM but a mirror, What you show 👁 reflect. “I’m responsible only for what I say, not what you understand.” -so says sun tzu When you know rite from wrong, What’s left? When one KNOWS, who they are, one is less prone to change character for being called something other than what they PERCEIVE THEMSELVES to be.... Man of few words... if I address you I respect you. If I ping you, YOU showed me, MAYBE I can bring you. if I can’t CORRECT you I can’t PROTECT you. Let tht sync in. Tsun Tzu the facilitator (the T’s are silent) : Curator of misfits, asymmetric beauty, visual Art, music and gnosis. Based in Chicago but 👁 reside in m’👁 body. You are G.O.D. Yu are HUEman U are DEVIL !! רוּעַ ....let’s get metaphysical. 👁 want no more than what you’re willing to give.... choose wisely BALANCE is 🗝 👁 AM the junction betwixt individuals & Shares of interest. 👁 don’t need the green bean ✳️ being☯️ is moderation. keep me amongst the ppl ♻️🕸🤲🏾. Sincerely, the Dai Dai Lo. My appearance on or in any CH room, or it’s stage, isn’t necessarily an endorsement of said room’s concept/content....figure tht out for self #wishUWasHere #wishYouWereHere #mindState P.s. Webster is lying to you, I suggest you fuck with Etta (etymology) P.P.S. LADIES: If you’re going to be gay be gay for truth. “So says Sun Tzu and if you don’t like it you can sue the sun“