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Detra Trueheart




Life Purpose Generator | Purpose Provoker | 🎤Speaker | Preacher | 🗣Prophetic Voice | 💡Coach | Mentor 🖤 I teach overwhelmed & overcommitted ✝️ Christian women how to get out of their own way so they can stop settling and show up for themselves in the same way they show up for others. 💚 👑 CEO of TrueheartSpeaks Enterprises, LLC 📖 Author of 30 Days of Thanks Host & Facilitator of the #iSpeakLife Inner Circle Membership & Mentorship Community. Host & Curator of the #iSpeakLife Empowerment Experience for Women Learn More: Why I’m Here: 💎Connect 💎Learn 💎Collaborate 💎Let’s Co-Moderate 💬Topics I Discuss: 1. Getting Out of Your Own Way 2. Walking in your purpose 3. Growing in your faith 4. Women & Leaders in Ministry 5. Stop Settling & Show Up! 📍Download my Free Mini Masterclass: 3 Ways to Get Out of Your Own Way TODAY: Cashapp: $detratrueheart