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Pleshette Brown




I am a summited daughter of the King👑. Lover & Servant of the 👑 🦅I am graced to walk in the call on my life. Affirmed Prophet/Psalmist/Intercessor/Worship Leader (Wife, Mother& Servant /Daughter of Jesus Christ❤️ Mental Health Counselor /Mentor Not Craving a Platform on Clubhouse ( Accountable to Leadership)( MoreGrace❤️) John ch. 10 ver.27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. “I Love God/His Word/His People”!!! Make God’s Name Great! Not your Own….!!!! 🎭”Don’t let your Traumas of Yesterday /Distract you from Acquiring your Triumphs / of your Tomorrow“🦋 ( My quote) My personal quote!!! “A determined mind will always succeed and beat out the odds!!!! Keep the hustle going!!! You’re gonna maximize the opportunities!!!”Honor God & others in and through those opportunities!!!” You’re not gonna miss anything that has a label with your name attached to it!! God already had your success planned!!! Keep Our Hearts Pure Before You ABBA!
