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Trudy-Ann Armand




Women’s subscription box owner | e-commerce consultant | supporter of women MY INTENT ON CLUBHOUSE IS: 🤝 To connect with female business owners 👀 Find female vendors to feature in our subscription box ABOUT HER-MINE SUB 📦 : 💕Started in loving memory of favorite aunt Hermine 🌸 products from amazing women-run businesses 🌺curated by HER for HER PASSIONS: 👯‍♀️Girl mom x 2 🖌Graphic arts 🙌🏽Creating things 🛍E-Commerce 💵 * Amazon * KDP * Merch * POD * Shopify * Etsy * eBay 🏫M.S. Ed - Capella Univ. From Jamaica 🇯🇲 live in Miami🌴 🌐 @myherminebox on all social ☎️Want to talk? 📧Email - [email protected] 🎙available for podcasts 📰 Interviewed by The Subscription Show, Quoted in Red Book 📖HER-MINE Featured in Soirée Magazine. 📦HER-MINE selected as #6 of 10 women owned boxes on CrateJoy for International Women’s Day 2021 👉🏽Follow me on IG - DMs are open. #buyfemale #blackowned #womenowned #forherbyherfromher #subscriptionbox #giftsforwomen