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Tony Hammond




Disruptive Brand Strategists 🔥Your Favorite Marketer’s Favorite Marketer! 👌🏿💻📊 📊📈📉Numbers don’t Lie! 💯🎯Certified Pinterest Strategists 🎯Pinterest Advertising drives more Traffic to your website than all 3 platforms combined!📊 Taking a slice 🍕 out of the Cannabis Industry “Pie” through SMarketing & Advertising. Help Cannabis Brands and dispensaries push their brands through Strategic Sales, Marketing and Advertising. I encourage Brands to take the Disruptive approach and set new standards in their respective industry. Inorder to increase their revenue and Brand awareness we maximize and leverage missed opportunities in their Digital DNA. Made 💰and worked with some familiar brands: RESTASH, JIMMY JAZZ, BOJANGLES, NIKE, THE DISCOVERY Channel, COCA COLA, SPRINT, VERIZON, but I also ❤️to work with Small Businesses and help them “even the playing field”. Doesn’t matter the Industry or Market, I like to focus on achieving the “Total Vision” for your Brand 👌🏿. Partnered w/ @Disctopia! BEST STREAMING PLATFORM...PERIOD Strategy,SMarketing & Advertising Firm⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Visit: