UnCertified Gynecologist/Chiropractor/Photographer/Masseuse. Detroit📍Eastside Sag ♐️ Dec3rd🎂🍰🧁 Attending $wipe Academy majoring in Finessanomics and Jugganometry I have a degree in Scamology🦊🤫💳📇🏦 My 1& only BM 🤞🏾@melthescientist 🖤 Urkel got a lil juice now he think he Stеphon. Where is Light Yagami when you need him I don’t talk Butterfly language wit catterpillar people. Since when do Lions give a fuck whatta sheep think 🤔 Not the type to always agree with the room so I play demons advocate. Spoken word writer ✍️ Unapologetically black👸🏾🤴🏾👑 Unlock yo 3Rd pupil #3RDi 👁