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🗣🗣Encourager, motivator, Real Estate Investor, Propel Life Coach, Certified Coaching @ Transformation Academy, Certified Extreme Execution Coach 🧑🏼‍🦰🧑🏼‍🦰I am a 56 yr old biracial female that has endured rejection, fear, parental divorce, insecurities, abandonment, rape, teen pregnancy and homosexuality to find that through the love of Christ and the consistent work of Holy Spirit my testimony, voice and purpose is needed in this world...RIGHT NOW! I connect with 40-65 year old women who are feeling stuck, stagnant and afraid. Partnering with them to develop a plan that will identify and grow their strengths and weaknesses to propel them to a place of confidence and boldness so they can fulfill their purpose and live their best life now. $TCKLI $ATNYEC2 $hghlyfavred 🇺🇸
