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Tarek Kandakji




Baylor College of Medicine/Quantitative Methodologist in Medicine Previously: Yale University/Research Associate/Remote Sensing Specialist and Manager of Yale Center for Earth Observation 🛰🌍 at Yale School of the Environment. PhD in Geosciences and research scientist with +10 years experience in working and collaboration with NGOs (e.g. ICARDA and FAO), IGOs (e.g. USAID), government agencies (e.g. USDA and NASA), and academia 🧐👨🏻‍🎓 Full Member (by nomination) in Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society since 2019 🔑👨‍🔬🔭 I am also FAA 107 certified drone pilot 👨‍✈️🚁 My main research activities and publications are in the field of environmental remote sensing and spatial/temporal analysis. I love research and teaching! My passion is to explore Martian environment and dust storms 👽 Family man, lucky to have my wife and my two beautiful daughters in my life. LinkedIn account: Tarek Kandakji ملاحظة: في سوريا ثورة، وليست أزمة أو حرب أهلية… Note: in Syria there is a REVOLUTION, not a crises nor a civil war… "جميع محاسن الدين ومكارم الأخلاق ثمرة الحب، وما لا يثمره الحب فهو اتباع الهوى وهو من رذائل الأخلاق." "أشد الناس حماقة أقواهم اعتقادا في فضل نفسه، وأثبت الناس عقلا أشدهم اتهاما لنفسه" - أبو حامد الغزالي “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted” - Albert Einstein
