Tiziana Palazzo
Rise up and move forward! Tiziana Palazzo CHT (Certified Neuroscientific Hypnotherapist) member of the I.H.A. (International Hypnosis Association), certified A.H.A. (American Hypnosis Association) Honorary Lifetime Member of the A.L.L. Ladies League. She received the W.E.F. Award in the category Women of the decade in March 2019, in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Successful Serial Entrepreneur Founder of HeartBizNet, the first relational network of hearted entrepreneurs and professionals who support each other to achieve Prosperity by buying and selling during Business Matches. Founder of Natkrea, the Unique Cosmetics line in its concept with high frequencies enhanced by natural products for personal care. Natkrea thanks to a beneficial high frequency charging process creates completely safe and natural sensory links to improve your mood. Host of national and international television programs included HeartBizTv, Teleromagna and Circuito100Tv. CEO and founder of Top Project Life & Business Consulting. NLP Master Practitioner, Master Trainer,Author of the Best Seller and Transformational Manual, entitled: Beyond everything… Fly !! She created HYPNOWATER (R) the unique water technique for lasting life change 5 times faster than any currently existing model, which works on 7 levels: mind, subconscious, body, spirit, personal frequencies, cellular memories, verbal communication. She is the creator of SAGEisPOWER (R), a transformational course to unleash the power of been Women, GENESIS which also uses Hypnowater therapy in the fabulous location of the ancient Roman baths. Editor of ByouMag, HolisticRebalance journal, HeartBizMag. Join the club HeartBizNet www.heartbiznet.com www.tizianapalazzo.com