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Tiffany Gordon




Tiffany is passionate about all things people- her life’s goal is to see others come into their full potential. She uses her keen insight of helping others identify problem areas and blind spots in their lives then gives them tools to work on those areas of opportunity. She helps people transform their toxic mindsets, break vicious generational cycles and walk in new found freedom to be who they are destined to be. Tiffany has a Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice from Mercyhurst College. The knowledge and skills she has gained over the years of working in the mental health, behavioral health and school settings has afforded her the opportunity of working and helping people from various cultures and backgrounds. Tiffany has the uncanny knack of never meeting a stranger. This in addition to her humor are those endearing traits that draw people to her. Tiffany had the awesome experience of working over 10 years within the City of Erie School district where she has seen some of the worst scenarios from teenage domestic violence, teenage pregnancy and abuse – through it all she kept a good perspective, a smile on her face and was affectionately known by students as “Ms. G”. Tiffany is the mother of two and currently resides in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she is a social worker for Mecklenburg County and is very active in her church. Tiffany has recently been certified as a Life Coach $Tiffanyjoy1