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Donnecia Brown




North Carolinian, occupying Tuscaroran homeland. Autoethnographic writer/Griot. Crisis Counselor. DV/IPV/Rape Crisis Companion. Champion for Freedom Schools/Children’s Defense Fund. Trauma-Informed Spiritual Practitioner. I’m committed to community care, intergenerational healing, and supporting folks in personal empowerment. May you be empowered by the wisdom of every honorable ancestor that guides you in truth, love, and purpose. *ping responsibly and cite your sources, if I say something that you’d like to share outside the conversation, cite me* In the spirit of reciprocity, if you’d like to send love offerings and/or support my labors of love, feel empowered to open your purse & send some coins. Cashapp: $Donneciab2 Venmo: Donneciab2 PayPal: