Danny Rivers Mitchell
Founder of @blackgirlstraveltoo & non-profit Serving In Paradise Foundation. About Me: •Wife •Mother •Dog mom •Lover of art •Veteran •Global traveler •Serial Entrepreneur •Real Estate Investor Black Girls Travel Too 2021 Experiences •Journey To Expat “Barbados” 3-6 mnths •Barbados Crop Over Experience •South Africa Experience Professional Super Powers: •Experience curator •Lifestyle and purpose coach •Tourism Board Consultant Featured In: Essence, New York Times, Forbes, Condé Nast Traveler, Xonecole, Life Hacker, The Grio, The Guardian, Vogue Magazine, Bauce Magazine and more. What I’m working on now: •Mastering the life as an expat in Barbados. •Writing the next New York Times Best Seller. •Learning to swim. ***I Run A Club Called*** Black Girls Travel Too Blessings are always welcome: Cashapp:$DannyRiversMitchell Let’s Connect: [email protected] www.servinginparadisefoundation.org