Asheenia Johnson
Name Pronounced: uh-shee-nuh 🤝🏾The Connector 🏆Time Magazine Person of the Year 2006 💰Side Hustle Purveyor 🌍 Founder of Village Talks club. All are welcome. 📹CoHost of Let’s Talk About It Live on Facebook 🤗 Professional Cuddler *My presence in a room does not equal my co-sign of the topic or discussion.* Services I Offer: 📨Business and Nonprofit Formation ©️ Copyright and ™️ Trademark 🛫 Travel Booking 📃Life Insurance 📜Mobile Notary 🏡🛥 Home/Boat Sitting Interests: 🧘🏿Health and Wellness 📊Network & Affiliate Marketing ✈️Travel 🎙Voiceover 💼Business Development 🏢Real Estate Investing 🪴Gardening Ask me about FANBASE! The app that allows EVERY USER to monetize their content! 💵 Police Reform Amend the 13th “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou ✊🏾❤️🖤💚