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Shardae Avents




Healthpreneur & 🌿CBD Advocate and Cannapreneur✨From failing at every diet on the market since the age of 15 and have a chronic spine issues to releasing over 65 lbs in 3 months without being hangry ask me how Literally your 🔌 for all things pertaining to a natural plant life! Getting healthy is not one size fits all, customize your wellness philosophy! 👸🏽Creator of The Green Rush’s Kanna Box Klub ➖ curated monthly high quality CBD subscription box            🌱Founder of The Planted Mama Society ➖ a safe place for the wanna be vegan’s ➖where getting healthy isn’t one size fits all…it’s a personalized experience 🏃🏾‍♀️Jump Start Your Journey with the Sugar Crush Flush Detox Online Program. Cannabis Heals🌱🍄Heals 👩🏽‍💻Extreme Execution Certified Coach w/ ET The Hip Hop Preacher  ✨ Release Technique Certified ✨🖤The Planted Mama your vegan🔌 the best hacks, tools and resources for a stress free health life Nobody want’s to be hangry, eat nasty food, be stressed and STILL be FAT! ➖Follow @theplantedmama ➖Follow @kannaboxklub ✨Safe Space Seeker 🖤founder of Sugar Crush Flush Facebook Group to provide a safe space for women 📍SC/DMV. Why I’m Here: I’m here to spread the word the SUGAR IS CRACK… AND CRACK IS WACK. Let’s get healthy and love our best life ! 🙇🏾‍♀️Mindfulness Matters 👑I also want to follow every Shardae (or variation there of) I’m in a room with. ✨Let’s Connect 📲Text me planted to 21000 & let’s chat. 📧 [email protected] ✨💗Other Things About Me: 🙏🏾Spiritual Gangster   📌SC made me VA raised 💙NSU BEHOLD 💍Wife 👦🏾 Boy Mom 🙅🏽‍♀️Nasty Food 🥑#avacadogang#Vegan #alkaline 💚Cannabis Heals 🍄Heals Shroom lover 🌻 Flower Essence Certified 🤰🏾Hypnobirthing #naturalbirthing no pain 🦉Night Owl 🤩 Self Development Junkie 🎧 I💗 Go-Go 🎧 ATL & Dirty South twerk & trap music from the 99 & the 2000s on my playlists 👊🏾 Knuck & Bucker😜